英日字典: come_up
The come_up has 12 Senses.
- come up
- bring forth, usually something desirable; "The committee came up with some interesting recommendations"
- 通常求められる何かを持ってくる
- arise, come up
- 生じる, 生起, 起きる, 起る, 起こる, 生ずる, 発しる
- result or issue; "A slight unpleasantness arose from this discussion"
- 起因する、または発する
- come, come up
- 到来, やってくる, 訪れる, 来る, 来向かう, 遣ってくる, 来たる, 参る
- move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody; "He came singing down the road"; "Come with me to the Casbah"; "come down here!"; "come out of the closet!"; "come into the room"
- 何かまたは誰かに向かうまたは何かまたは誰かに近づく
- rise up, rise, surface, come up
- 浮かびでる, 浮かび出る, 浮上, 浮き上がる, 浮かび出す, 浮上る, 起きる, 浮かびあがる, 浮き出る, 浮き出す, 浮ぶ, 浮びでる, 浮かび上がる, 浮び出る, 浮揚, 生ずる, 浮上がる, 浮かぶ
- come to the surface
- 水面に浮上する
- bob up, arise, come up
- 湧き上る, 生じる, 生れる, 沸上がる, 沸き上る, 湧き起る, 沸き上がる, 生起, 湧きおこる, 芽ばえる, 発する, 持ち上がる, 湧き上がる, 起きる, 起る, 湧起こる, わき上がる, 生出, 涌く, 発生, 沸き起こる, 起こる, 持上る, 湧上がる, 生ずる, 湧起る, 生まれる, 発しる, 持ち上る, 持ちあがる, 持上がる, 湧き起こる, 沸き起る, 湧く, 浮かぶ, 沸起る
- originate or come into being; "a question arose"
- 始まる、または発生する
- move up, go up, uprise, lift, rise, arise, come up
- 上がる, 上騰, 立昇る, 昇る, 立ち上る, 差昇る, 差上る, 上る, 立ちのぼる, 上ぼる, 差登る, 登る, 立上る, 立ち昇る
- move upward; "The fog lifted"; "The smoke arose from the forest fire"; "The mist uprose from the meadows"
- 上方に動く
- come up
- be mentioned; "These names came up in the discussion"
- 言及される
- go on, come on, come up
- start running, functioning, or operating; "the lights went on"; "the computer came up"
- 可動させ、機能させまた動かし始める
- line up, get hold, find, come up
- 見付ける, 得る, 目っける, 見附る, 見つける, めっける
- get something or somebody for a specific purpose; "I found this gadget that will serve as a bottle opener"; "I got hold of these tools to fix our plumbing"; "The chairman got hold of a secretary on Friday night to type the urgent letter"
- 特定の目的のために何かまたは誰かを手に入れる
- uprise, rise, ascend, come up
- 昇る, 差し上る, 差昇る, 差上る, 上る, 差し登る, 上ぼる, 差登る, 差し昇る
- come up, of celestial bodies; "The sun also rises"; "The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled..."; "Jupiter ascends"
- 天体が昇る
- scratch, scrape, scrape up, come up
- 捻出す, 掻集める, 掻き集める, 掻きあつめる
- gather (money or other resources) together over time; "She had scraped together enough money for college"; "they scratched a meager living"
- 時間とともに一緒に集める(お金または他の資源)
- summon, rally, muster, muster up, come up
- 盛りたてる, 振り絞る, 盛立てる, 奮い起す, 奮い起こす, 奮起す, 盛り立てる
- gather or bring together; "muster the courage to do something"; "she rallied her intellect"; "Summon all your courage"
- 集まるか、まとめる
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